HD Explorer (Release 1.5)
Version 1.5 of the HD Explorer has been released. The following summarizes bug fixes, corrections and enhancements for this...
HD Explorer (Release 1.4)
Version 1.4 of the HD Explorer has been released. The following summarizes bug fixes, corrections and enhancements for this...
HD Explorer (Release 1.3)
Version 1.3 of the HD Explorer has been released. The following summarizes bug fixes, corrections and enhancements for this...
HDinHD Updates and Enhancements
Striatum Disease Signature section added to Downloads. A 266 striatal gene disease signature and a 115 striatal protein disease...
HD Explorer (Release 1.2)
Version 1.2 of the HD Explorer has been released. The following summarizes bug fixes, corrections and enhancements for this...
HD Explorer
Explorer provides a single integrated framework where researchers can explore a wide range of diverse yet interconnected HD scientific...
HD Proteome Base – Access to Allelic Series Proteomics Data
Animal models play a critical role in the study of Huntington’s disease (HD), for example to elucidate underlying molecular...
New Striatum Proteomics Data Available
To facilitate cross-tissue data analysis , proteomics data from the striatum of Allelic Series mice at the 2, 6...
HD Proteome Base – Access to Allelic Series Proteomics Data
In order to gain a deeper understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms in Huntington’s disease (HD), we compared the proteomes...