HD Explorer (Release 2.2)

HD Explorer (Release 2.2)

Version 2.2 of the HD Explorer has been released. The following summarizes bug fixes, corrections and enhancements for this release.

HD Explorer Data

    • ~1,800 HD perturbation experiments curated from ~100 Publications and Reports added to Perturbation Studies.
    • ~60 Omics datasets derived fromHD and HD-related Omics studies identified within within GEOArrayExpressPRIDE added to Omics Studies.
      • Full differential expression results are now available from an additional ~15 RNA-seq, microarray, proteomics, miRNA-seq and ATAC-seq studies within Omics Studies.
    • ~2,130 gene sets added to the Gene Set Enrichment Library (HDSigDB). These gene sets were derived through analysis of recently appearing HD and HD-related Omics studies in community Omics databases.
    • ~1,620 Htt Protein-Protein interaction reports added to Htt Interactome Studies
    • ~150 new publications were curated from PubMed and bioRxiv and added to Publications and Reports.

HD Explorer Generalized Search

    • Improved query language and linkage to component data portals from search results

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